Handmade Holiday Giftables & Vancouver Market dates
If you're anything like me this time of year,
you're probably already running around with an endless to-do list getting ready for the holidays. Although, I find there's something exhilarating about this specific type of stress. It's the visions of joyful gatherings with friends and family, full of rich edibles & too much mulled wine (wait, is there such a thing?) that keep me going in the early days of December. This year for Christmas, (part of) my family has decided to re-direct our gift giving from electronics & mass-produced goods towards handmade items, either by us or from a local maker. Of course, as someone who makes things by hand for a living, I am super biased... but I'm loving this idea. I normally make most of the gifts I give anyways, but this year my plan is to fill in all the bits and pieces in between with things from my fellow vendors at our holiday markets.
Speaking of which... here are the 2 holiday markets where you can find us this december.
December 3rd & 4th

Etsy Vancouver Winter 2016 Market @ The Pipeshop Building in the Lonsdale Quay
Saturday Dec 3 - 10 am - 8 pm
Sunday Dec 4 - 10 am to 5 pm
December 8th - 11th

Make-It Vancouver @ The PNE Forum
See above for details.
What you need to know before heading to the markets
SWAG BAGS. The first 50 people in line on each day of the Etsy market will receive a swag bag full of items from the vendors. Lots of these items are full-sized products, so this is a great way to load up on stocking stuffers...for free!
Save $2 off admission to Make-It by purchasing your tickets in advance online.
Make-It Vancouver is BIG. Plan your day accordingly. Here's a tip-- if you want to beat the crowds, come on Thursday or Friday to avoid the masses. Although if you have to come on the weekends, don't let the crowds discourage you- it's a fun and friendly shopping environment, and so worth it.
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W a s u r e m o n o
Exclusively at the markets, we will be selling items from our new collection. Wasuremono means "discarded" or "unwanted" in Japanese.
This collection features goods made with second hand kimono & yukata, which I brought back from my recent trip to Japan. These fabrics are high-quality silks and cottons in beautiful Ikat weaves and sateens. In the new year, we will be launching this as a separate brand, but for this holiday season only, you will be able to find these items at the Scandinazn table.
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If you can't make it out to either of these Vancouver markets, that's too bad! But you can still purchase Scandinazn goods on our Etsy Shop.
We've got lots of new products up, and have re-stocked old favourites.
Happy Holidays!
(yes, I'm allowed to say this... it's December).
#etsymarket #makeitvancouver #holidaymarket #christmasmarket #handmademarket #vancouvermarket #sustainable #ecofriendlygifts #localgifts #handmadegifts #recycledleather #marbledleather #earjackets #scandinaznmarket #hairaccessories #marbledearrings #japaneseearrings #japanesefabric #japanesetextiles